Communion with Christ is a foretaste of heaven. Here we enjoy His person and all the sweet relations to His person. We enjoy His death and all the saving fruits, privileges, and influences of His death. We are also brought into Christ’s banqueting house, held in His galleries, His banner over us being love. We are carried up to the mount with Christ, that we may see Him (as it were) transfigured, and may say with Peter, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us here build tabernacles” (Matt 17:4).
Oh, it is a happy thing to have Christ dwelling in our hearts, and to lodge in Christ’s bosom! It is a happy thing to maintain communion between Christ and our souls! He took our sins; we take His healing; He endured wounds for us; we drink the spiritual balsam that sprang from His wounds; He took upon Him our unrighteousness; we clothe ourselves with His righteousness. He endured pains for us; we come to Him and take His rest to our souls. He embraced our curse and condemnation; we embrace His blessing, justification, and salvation. To this end we look on Jesus.
Now, if He hides His face by desertion, do not rest until you find Him. And when you find Him, hold fast to Him, do not let Him go, nor drive Him from your heart through your corruptions. If you would prize the presence of Christ, how comfortably would you maintain and increase your communion with Him.
—Isaac Ambrose
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