I know, O Lord, and tremble to think, that three parts of the good seed fell upon bad ground. Let not my heart be like the highway. Through hardness and want of true understanding it does not receive the seed, so the evil one comes and […]
Day by day, dear Lord, of Thee three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly, to follow Thee more nearly. —Prayer of Richard of Chichester (1197-1253)
O eternal God, in these last hours of another year we come before you with our praises, and we would humble ourselves in your sight. We thank you for our preservation during the year that is gone, and for all your mercies in providence and grace; […]
My God, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects, my heart admires, adores, loves Thee, for my little vessel is as full as it can be, and I would pour out all that fullness before Thee in ceaseless flow. When I think upon and converse with […]