Man by nature loves himself in a wrong way; in fact, he loves only himself. This perverse disposition cannot be corrected, unless he puts the neighbor in his place. … the command can be understood in the sense that we love only our neighbor, and this […]
“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Would you, then, be freed from your sins, you need not chastise yourself with them, nor have anything to do with them, but simply creep under the wings and into the bosom of Christ, as he is the one who has taken them away and has laid them upon himself.
This Spirit makes a Christian soul move willingly toward God; it is an active principle that cannot rest till it rests in its place of eternal rest and delight in God.
We busy ourselves in trifles ... and think our time ill-spent in the contemplating and celebrating that wherein God has busied himself.