Thomas Watson
The causa prima (i.e. first cause), and impulsive cause, [of our salvation] was free grace. It was love in God the Father to send Christ, and love in Christ that He came to be incarnate. Love was the intrinsic motive. Christ is God-man, because He is […]
The love of Christ is useful to fit you for the cross, and the greatest sufferings which you may be called to for the sake of Christ. If you have great love to Christ, you will be ready to suffer for Christ with patience and with […]
O! Was it not love, free, rich unmerited love that provided a Savior for the guilty children of men? …O love, what hast thou done! What wonders hast thou wrought! It was thou, almighty love, that broughtest down the Lord of glory from His celestial throne, […]
As His creatures we ought to love our Creator; as preserved by His care we are under obligation to love Him for His goodness: we owe Him so much that our utmost love is a mere acknowledgment of our debt. But God loved us to whom […]
A God of infinite goodness and benevolence loves those that have no excellency to move or attract it: the love of men is consequent upon some loveliness in the object, but the love of God is antecedent to, and the cause of it.