Man by nature loves himself in a wrong way; in fact, he loves only himself. This perverse disposition cannot be corrected, unless he puts the neighbor in his place. … the command can be understood in the sense that we love only our neighbor, and this […]
O Lord our God, grant us grace to desire Thee with our whole heart; that, so desiring, we may seek, and seeking find Thee; and so finding Thee may love Thee; and in loving Thee, may hate those sins from which Thou hast redeemed us. Anselm […]
“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Heaven itself is not so valuable and precious as Christ is.
My grace, saith God, shall be yours to pardon you, and my power shall be yours to protect you, and my wisdom shall be yours to direct you, and my goodness shall be yours to relieve you, and my mercy shall be yours to supply you, […]