Jesus Christ did not come into the world to help you to forget your sin. He has not come to furnish you with a cloak with which to cover it. He has not appeared that He may so strengthen your minds (as some men would have […]
Jesus of Nazareth is God; He who was conceived in the womb of the virgin and born in Bethlehem’s manger is now, and always was, God over all, blessed forever. There is no gospel if he be not God. It is no news to me to […]
It was a marvelous mercy for God to make man out of the earth; but here God was made man, he became man Himself. There all was done with one word, “Let us make man.” It was easily done. But in this, for Christ to become […]
Nearly two thousand years ago He came to this world, and His spirit has made an impact deeper than that of any other personality that has ever touched this world. His spirit pervades all the realms of life. His spirit pervades literature and government and law […]
The birth of Jesus is the grandest light of history, the sun in the heavens of all time. It is the polestar of human destiny, the hinge of chronology, the meeting place of the waters of the past and the future. Charles Spurgeon