An upright heart is first a perfect heart, as the Scripture terms it. It is an entirely whole heart, which is when all the powers go one and the same way, when the whole soul is bent after God and is driven only to seek and honor Him.
When you have tasted the goodness of God, you will esteem God above all earthly things, preferring celestial before sublunary sweetness. All will be counted dirt and dung to Christ, or as some render it, dog’s meat to Christ (Phil 3:8), that is, coarse and contemptible […]
Were phylacteries in use among Christians, I would recommend this Scripture to be bound about your necks, or written upon the table of your hearts. This is a Scripture whereon we may well say Amen to Augustine’s Confessions: “O, the wonderful depth, my God, the wonderful […]
Let God be the supreme object of our esteem and affections; and whatsoever evils we sustain, will be made light and easy to us. The apostle assures us, “That all things,” even the most afflicting, “work for the good of those that love God” (Rom 8:28). […]
Augustine of Hippo
Thou awakest us to delight in Thy praise; for Thou madest us for Thyself, and our heart is restless, until it repose in Thee. Thou hast drawn me out of all my most evil ways, that Thou mightest become a delight to me above all the […]