Question: What are the signs of our growing in grace?

Answer: When we have a more spiritual frame of heart.

  1. When we are more spiritual in our principles; when we oppose sin out of love to God, and because it strikes at his holiness.
  2. When we are more spiritual in our affections. We grieve for the first rising of corruption, for the bubbling up of vain thoughts, and for the spring that runs underground. We mourn not only for the penalty of sin, but for its pollution. It is not a coal only that burns, but blacks.
  3. When we are spiritual in the performance of duty. We are more serious, reverent, fervent; we have more life in prayer, we put fire to the sacrifice. ‘Fervent in spirit’ (Romans 12:2): We serve God with more love, which ripens and mellows our duty, and makes it come off with a better relish.

—Thomas Watson
A Body of Divinity


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