If the birth of Jesus was so gladsome to our cousins the angels, what should it be to us?
If it made our neighbors sing who had comparatively so small a share in it, how should it make us leap for joy?
Oh, if it brought heaven down to earth, should not our songs go up to heaven? If heaven’s gate of pearl was set open at its widest, and a stream of shining ones came running downward to the lower skies, to anticipate the time when they shall all descend in solemn pomp at the glorious advent of the great King; if it emptied heaven for a while to make earth so glad, ought not our thoughts and praises and all our loves to go pouring up to the eternal gate, leaving earth a while that we may crowd heaven with the songs of mortal men?
—Charles H. Spurgeon
“The Great Birthday,” in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, 22:711.
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