Light of the Incarnation
The reason one does not rejoice in the incarnation is for lack of holy meditation upon the subject, its miraculous nature, the promises, the Person, the fruits and this great salvation brought about by His suffering and death. Wilhelmus à Brakel

“Let us consider this settled, that no one has made progress in the school of Christ who does not joyfully await the day of death and final resurrection.” John Calvin
Desire not gifts, but mercies from God; not pebbles but pearls, and always labor for that which God never bestows but in love.
The soul, viewing the infallible truth and faithfulness of God, refuses to rely upon human promises. They neither can cause him to rejoice nor can human threatenings terrify him, for he is aware of human mutability. However, he knows the Lord to be a God of […]
Young people, by walking in the ways of Christ and Christian virtue, obtain pleasure of the most excellent kind.