We never sent to him; he sent to us. Suppose that, after we had all sinned, we had fallen on our knees, and cried importunately, “Oh, Father, forgive us!” Suppose that day after day we had been, with many piteous tears and cries, supplicating and entreating forgiveness of God. It would be great love then that he should devise a way of pardoning us. But no; it was the very reverse. God sent an ambassador of peace to us; we sent no embassage to him. Man turned his back on God, and went farther and farther from him, and never thought of turning his face toward his best Friend. It is not man that turns beggar to God for salvation; it is, if I may dare to say it, as though the Eternal God himself did beg of his creatures to be saved. Jesus Christ has not come into the world to be sought for, but to seek that which is lost. It all begins with him. Unsought, unbidden by the object of his compassion, Jesus came into the world.
—Charles H. Spurgeon
The Metropolitan Tabernacle, “Herein Is Love,” Sermon 2448.
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