An earthly saint is a contradiction. The Greek word for saint signifies a person refined and separated from the earth. If an astronomer, instead of observing the planets, and the motions of the heavens, should take a reed in his hand and fall to measuring the earth, would not this be counted a blunder?
And is it not as great a blunder in religion when those that pretend to have Christ and heaven in their eye do mind earthly things? Our souls should be like a ship, which is made little and narrow downwards, but more wide and broad upwards. So our affections should be very narrow downwards to the earth, but wide and large upwards towards heavenly things.
Thus we see that death is a privilege to believers; death is yours; the heir while he is under age, is capable of the land he is born to, but he has not the use of the benefit of it, till he comes of age. Be as old as you will, you are never of age until you die. Death brings us of age, and then the possession comes into our hands.
—Thomas Watson
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