A saint tastes God, and lives upon God in prayer.
By this he or she draws out of the well of salvation, which is deep, but very sweet. David says that God is nigh, and Paul, “He is rich to all that call upon Him” (Rom 10:12). And Christ says, “Your heavenly Father will give good things to them that ask Him” (Matt 7:11), that is, by and in prayer, they shall taste of His goodness.
For making their requests known to Him, the very peace of God which passeth understanding, shall keep their hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:6-7).
I here appeal to believers. Have you not known the time that you have touched the hem of Christ’s garment, and tasted of the loves of heaven in prayer? Have you not known the holy enlargement of heart, when you have wrestled with God? Have you not seen heaven cleft, and Christ sitting at God’s right hand? There is no believer but frequently tastes the goodness of God in and by prayer, for God says not, “Seek me in vain.”
—Robert Dingley
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