“Nothing but the deepest and direst exigency could have demanded, or even justified, such a sacrifice as the death of God’s eternal Son. The sufferings of Christ are the most affecting testimony in the universe, of man’s unyielding, helpless depravity.” Gardiner Spring, The Attraction Of The […]
“Our Lord Jesus Christ did not die merely as a martyr, or as a splendid example of self-sacrifice and self-denial. Those who can see no more than that in His death, fall infinitely short of the truth. They lose sight of the very foundation-stone of Christianity, […]
“No king’s management is so freely canvassed and censured by the subjects, as the King of heaven’s management in this world is by the hearts of men. An all-wise Providence guides the world, in every particular; but where is the man that has not some quarrel […]

“The depths of our misery can never fall below the depths of mercy.” Richard Sibbes

“Can we wish, if it were possible, to walk in a path strewed with flowers when His was strewed with thorns?” John Newton