Many have the knowledge of God, who have no delight in Him or His will. Owls have eyes to perceive that there is a sun, but by reason of the weakness of their sight have no pleasure to look upon a beam of it; so neither […]
The seat of sin, the Scripture everywhere assigns it to be the heart. There indwelling sin keeps its especial residence. It hath invaded and possessed the throne of God himself: “Madness is in the heart of men while they live” (Ecc 9:3). This is their madness, […]
Think of and seriously consider that small sins are the mother of great sins, and the grandmother of great punishments. As little sticks set the great ones on fire, and a wisp of straw often kindles a great block of wood, so we are drawn on […]
They certainly are the wisest men that do those things that make most for their happiness. This in effect is acknowledged by all men in the world, for there is no man upon earth but what is earnestly seeking after happiness, and it appears abundantly by […]
Because faith is the most receptive grace, it proves to be most fit for the needy condition of the creature. Other graces are more operative, but faith is most receptive. It is the right hand of the soul, to take in the fullness of Jesus Christ. […]