“The way to destroy ill weeds is to plant good herbs that are contrary.” We have all heard of weeds choking the wheat; if we were wise we should learn from our enemy, and endeavor to choke the weeds by the wheat. Preoccupation of mind is […]
Keep at the greatest distance from sin, and from playing with the golden bait that Satan holds forth to catch you Anselm used to say, ‘That if he should see the shame of sin on the one hand, and the pains of hell on the other, […]
Spare sin not, for it will not spare you. It is your murderer, and the murderer of the world. Use it therefore as a murderer should be used. Kill it before it kills you; and then, though it kill your bodies, it shall not be able […]
Light things are carried by the stream, and light spirits by the multitude. But the sincere Christian is massy and weighty; he will sooner sink to the bottom, and yield to the fury of a multitude by suffering from them, than float after their example in […]
The ship that leaks is more easily emptied at the beginning than afterwards; the bird is easily killed in the egg, but when once hatched and fledged, we may kill it when we can catch it. A frequent reckoning with ourselves will pluck sin up before […]