How can the cross of Christ comfort your daily life? By bearing our greatest burden, will He not deliver us from every final trouble of heart? Christ and Him crucified is not only our way to God, but the demonstration of God’s love to us! His […]
Whenever I feel that I have sinned, and desire to overcome that sin for the future, the devil at the same time comes to me and whispers, “How can you be a pardoned person and accepted with God while you sin in this way?” If I […]
Abide in Christ: in Him you shall find sure and abundant consolation. With the afflicted comfort is often first, and the profit of the affliction second. The Father loves us so, that with Him our real and abiding profit is His first object, but He does […]
Commenting on John 14:1, J. C. Ryle insightfully wrote: “Heart-trouble is the commonest thing in the world. No rank, or class, or condition is exempt from it. No bars, or bolts, or locks can keep it out. Partly from inward causes and partly from outward,—partly from […]
Our world increasingly boasts of information, but not all information is equal. We are said to be living in an age marked by an information revolution; but is our age marked by truth? We are told that knowledge equals power and that education is the solution […]