All things are so wisely ordered, that God shall be glorified in them.
It is the noblest disposition of a Christian to prefer the advancement of God’s glory before all the comforts of this life, and life itself.
Our blessed Savior in the forethoughts of His suffering was in distress and perturbation of mind, like the darkening of the sky before a great shower. But the short conflict of nature was soon at an end; He willingly gave himself up to be a sacrifice to the divine honor, and said, “Father, glorify thy name” (John 12:28).
This is the first petition in order and dignity; in that complete form of prayer composed by our Savior, as the rule of all our desires, “Thy name be hallowed and glorified in us, and by us.”
If we were called to martyrdom for His truth, and our lives should bleed forth, as sacrifices on the altar, or our bodies be consumed as incense on the censer, it were an unjust and ungrateful complaint, to express passionate reluctance against His providence.
If there were no other consequences of our present sufferings, but the glorifying of God, we should be content. That is the worthiest end which He proposes to Himself, and will accomplish: His divine excellencies will be illustrated by the wickedness of men, that at present obscures the glory of His government; His wisdom, power, holiness, mercy and justice will be acknowledged, admired and magnified at last.
—William Bates
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