Christ by his redemption has brought us into a more near relation one to another
He hath made us children of God, children in the same family.
We are all brethren, having God for our common Father, which is much more than to be brethren in any other family.
He has made us all one body; therefore, we ought to be united, and subserve to one another’s good, and bear one another’s burdens, as members of the same body in the natural body. If one of the members suffers, all the other members bear the burden with it (1 Corinthians 12:26). If one member be diseased or wounded, the other members of the body will minister to it and help it. And so surely it should be in the body of Christ; Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
We are professors of Christianity, pretend to be the followers of Jesus, pretend to make the gospel our rule. We have the Bible in our houses; let us not behave ourselves in this particular as if we had never seen the Bible, and were ignorant of Christianity.
—Jonathan Edwards
Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733, 377.
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