A traveler’s eye is much towards his journey’s end. Christians that are making their way heavenward are much and often looking heavenward. A Christian’s heart is in his eye, and his eye is on his home. Their setting their faces there notes the bending of their courses there. It was said of Christ, “He set His face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Christians set their faces heavenward and there they bend their course. They are much in asking the way; “What must I do to be saved? Who shall ascend into the holy hill? What manner of persons must we be, that we may get there?” And they take the way that leads them there … they are set for another country, for another world; they are born from above, and they seek the things above, and there are they hastening. Whatever they have of this world’s goods, for the support of their life, is not the scope and end of their life. They seek that glory; honor, and immortality which comes from God, and they are going on from strength to strength, till they come and app ear before God in Zion. … In this a sincere Christian is differenced from all others in the world: he fixes his heart and his hope and aims up on an eternal happiness, and he bends his course towards the obtaining of it.
—Richard Alleine
Vindiciae Pietatis ( London: Printed for Peter Parker, 1676), 8-9.
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