“A summer’s sun, even when beclouded, yields more comfort and warmth to the earth than winter’s sun that shines brightest.” The comforts of the Spirit at their lowest, are far superior to the joys of the world at their highest pitch. When saints are mourning, their […]
When Christ died, which was the lowest degree of abasement, there was a kingdom of patience then. What! When he was subdued by death and Satan, was there a kingdom then? Yes, a kingdom. For though visibly, he was overcome and nailed to the cross; yet […]
When we be in any dark condition, limit not God. He is an independent worker. Question not how this may be and that may be. We must not bring God within the compass of our conceits and reasons. God is not as man; and therefore whatsoever […]
I know there is nothing in the Word, or in the works of God that is repugnant to sound reason. But there are some things in both, which are opposite to carnal reason; as well as above right reason. Therefore our reason never shows itself more […]
The egg is white enough, though the hen is black as a coal This is a very simple thing, but it may cheer you up when hard times come. Out of evil comes good, through the great goodness of God From threatening clouds we get refreshing […]